Pet Odor Removal in Tampa
Restore the freshness of your rugs with our expert pet odor and stain removal services. Because your cherished rugs deserve the best care
Ask About Our Pet Odor Removal For Area Rugs
Are you tired of your home smelling like a dog pound? While it is true, you love your faithful companion, that doesn’t mean you want your home to smell like it. Here at Royal Oritental Rugs, our team is proud to specialize in pet odor removal for area rugs. The last thing you want is to destroy your beautiful oriental rug because you were trying to get rid of the smell of yourself. We specialize in area rug cleaning. Please keep in mind we do not work with carpets.
Make The Smell Go Away
Whether you’re the proud parent of one tail-wagging, four-legged friend, or a whole pack of them, it’s not uncommon for dog owners to notice a distinct odor inside their homes. And once you smell it, you’re not likely to forget it. Beyond the pungent smell of housebreaking training accidents, lingering dog odors usually smell like moldy wool, and the stench can easily settle in carpets, upholstered furniture, and fabric curtains around your home. Even if you regularly groom your dog and maintain a healthy diet, these smells can continue to build up each time your pooch comes in from outside, whether you’re returning from a hot summer run or a wet and muddy winter walk. Luckily, getting dog smells out of your carpet takes just a few easy steps and one common household cleaner.

Tips For Pet Odor Removal
Large amounts of baking soda can be toxic to pets, causing illness, muscle spasms, and even heart failure. Keep your dogs away from any area while you are treating it with baking soda. Check out the following tips:
Close off the area you are cleaning from your pet.
Liberally sprinkle baking soda over the soiled or smelly carpet. Depending on the surface area, you may need to grab more than one box.
Let the baking soda sit overnight, so it absorbs as much of the odor as possible.
In the morning, vacuum your carpets.
Once you have thoroughly vacuumed the area, you may allow your pet back in the area.
What Do We Do?
Skilled and trained employees using traditional, old-fashioned methods clean all of the rugs at our shop. First, we inspect the rug, including the fringe and the back. If it has been a while since the last cleaning, the rug is beaten to remove dust and dirt. Then we apply water to loosen soil particles.
Next, a gentle soap and water solution is applied and whisked across the rug with soft brushes and brooms. Special attention is given to cleaning fringe, which is very delicate, but often the most soiled part of the rug.
Then we rinse the rug thoroughly, being careful to remove residual soap. Finally, we apply a solution of white vinegar to restore the rug’s sheen and silky texture. When we are satisfied that your rug is fresh and clean and dry, it is ready for you to take home and enjoy.